Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This is it! The Blog has been created!

So it is official Kelly and I are planning our road trip. It is going to start on December 28th. We are starting out in NJ and making our way down to Savannah, Georgia. Our final destination is going to be the Lady and Sons Restaurant where hopefully we will meet the fabulous Paula Deen! One can only hope. We bought the book, Road Trip USA (www.roadtripusa.com) which is going to help us out on our journey. Wish us luck! Stay tune for more posts.


David Tellez said...

A road trip? I love a good road trip! I found your blog by sheer accident, but I will be a follower! Hope you have fun!

Eric and Kelly said...

We cannot wait! This is our first road trip ever. Do you have any tips?

mia067 said...

I'm very excited I'll get to live your roadtrip vicariously through your blog lol....bring me back some magnets, and some of Paula's fried chicken!! xoxo Julie

Unknown said...

You guys are crazy but I'm looking forward to stalking, I mean checking out what you're up to. Be safe! xo

David Tellez said...

Any tips? Take lots of pictures, make lots of detours and remember that it's not forever and that it's all part of the adventure.

That last rule applies if you get stuck in a run-down motel that is managed by a young, shy, soft-spoken man who lives in a house behind the motel and seems to be dominated by his invalid mother.

keith said...

Good Luck and BE CAREFUL!!!!
Have the adventure of a lifetime