Monday, December 29, 2008

North Carolina…The “SO CALLED” Home of the Wright Brothers and their Museum.

Right over the border in NC we were pleased to discover that we were extremely close to the Wright Brother’s Museum which is located in Kitty Hawk in the Outer Banks of NC. We paid our four dollar admission and took our seats in the auditorium ready for an engaging lecture. We almost dozed off in the front row during the engaging talk and found out that the Brother’s were from Dayton Ohio and only came to Kitty Hawk because it’s the sixth windiest, secluded city. The Brother’s did not like the press. After the talk, we then took a self guided walking tour of the Wright Brother’s first ever runway where flight was discovered. We also visited a monument that was erected in their names, Orville and Wilbur.

1 comment:

David Tellez said...

Dozing off in the front row of a lecture? LOL! I bet you guys were not the first!