Tuesday, December 30, 2008


First stop, the goal of our road trip, the Lady and Sons Restaurant. We drove by at 11AM and saw crowds of people and got nervous. We parked the car and raced over to the restaurant. The hostess gave us the next available seating time which as at 9:15 PM! Eric worked his magic and southern charm and got us in immediately sitting at the bar. The true foodies we are, we both opted for the all you can eat buffet. There was a myriad of food such delectable’s included fried chicken, baked chicken, southern lasagna, mac n cheese, collard greens, lima beans, black eyed peas and so much more. It also included a salad bar with lettuce that was untouched by all the patrons. Brandon the Bead Boy, brought us our Ho Cake and Biscuit while Hector the Bartender later served us an assortment of desserts. (See pics below) Waddling out of the restaurant it was time to commemorate our trip with souvenirs from Paula’s store. We walked around aimlessly looking to spend our money and unbeknownst to us the DEAN BOYS WERE THERE! OMG OMG OMG our hearts fluttered and our Arm hair was raised! We grabbed two books and fought our way to the line. We made our way to the front and got them to sign our books and take some photos with us. OMG OMG OMG OMG! Sighhh….this made driving 11 hours through NC worth it! Elated with what had happened with what had happened we decided to tour the city of Savannah on a trolley. Lots of Historical happenins there, none of which we remember. However we did stumble upon the peanut shop and candy shop where we sampled our little hearts out. DELICIOUS! See below for fun pics of us in the city.


David Tellez said...

I have always wanted to eat at that restaurant! I know her home cooking is a sure-fire way to clog your arteries and raise your blood pressure, but it looks sooooooooo good! I love that she uses real butter! How was the food? Is it just as delicious as I've dreamed?!

mikeyd54321 said...

Wpw good for you! You made it!! The food looked yummy and that is sooo cool you got to meet the sons. They are a good lookin family ;-)

mscgrl19 said...

The food was very good. It was a tad salty but it was worth it.